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Beneficiaries & Profile Submission

Guidelines on followup of your pledge

The journey to finding your best self starts by giving your best self to others. No gift is too big or too small. What's important is we help them all.  The very tag line of South Point 66 Social Welfare Society logo is:

“Helping, Healing & Caring”.

We support 9 NGOs, with our limited capability. 

When you decide to make a donation or set up a monthly gift , you can change a life forever. Often, one meal at the right time will be enough to make a difference between life and death .

Together we can try to alleviate the sufferings of these underprivileged people. 


Please support the SPHSGBS66 Initiative


* we also encourage you to help NGOs,  which do not have a suitable Bank accounts to suit your payment method, in kind,. If you so desire, we can guide you, step-by-step to help NGOs of your choice.

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SPHS Prabartak 121023.jpeg

It's heartwarming when schools and organizations come together to support their community through charity activities, more so when it is our Alma Mater, especially before Durga Puja. Providing new clothes to students at Balwadi Creche , Didi's of Old Age Home , orphaned Boy's & Girls of Prabartak Samgha & people who are intellectually challenged of Asha Niketan is a thoughtful gesture that can make a significant impact on their lives.  We are grateful to you , Mrs Sutapa Chatterjee and Management Team of SPHS for this gracious act of benevolence.

Meet Our Beneficiaries

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West Bengal Society for the Blind

Pushpomoyee (1).jpg

Shishu Kalyan School

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Pushpomoyee School

1. Bank Account: Not Available

1. Local Bank Account: Available

2. FCRA Account: Applied For Registration

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